cannot find code object on disk

I am a MacOS Developer. I had finished codesgin and notarize my app. When I enter the check cmd:

spctl -a -v

Then I can get the result: accepted

source=Notarized Developer ID

We want to make a background update program, it will download a new file, and replace the old file Contents in Finish the above progress

Then I enter the

spctl -a -v ;

get the result:

cannot find code object on disk

Does this is a problem? If it is, How can I solve this. Thanks a lot.

However, when I enter: stapler validate, the result is :

The validate action worked!

I’m not actually sure what this message means but it seems likely that you’ve broken the seal on the app’s code signature. What code the following report?

% codesign -v -vvv

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
cannot find code object on disk