UICollectionView drop "into" animation when dest cell has moved?

I've watched a couple WWDC videos and I'm looking at the docs here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/views_and_controls/collection_views/supporting_drag_and_drop_in_collection_views

I'm trying to implement dropping one item (a "file") unto another item (a "folder"), to move it into the folder. In my `collectionView(_:performDropWith)` I have:

collectionView.deleteItems(at: [indexPathOfMovedFile])
let newDestinationIndexPath = // ... get index path for destination "folder" item in current model
let item = coordinator.items.first!.dragItem
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: newDestinationIndexPath)! // This seems to work, gets the right cell
let imageView = cell.viewWithTag(self.imageViewTag) as! UIImageView
let rect = cell.convert(imageView.bounds, from: imageView)
coordinator.drop(item, intoItemAt: newDestinationIndexPath, rect: rect)

My problem is that that last "drop" animation is animating to where it _was_. So if I move a file from before the folder, the animation slides the folder over and then drops to where it used to be.

How do you do this? Is there example code somewhere?

UICollectionView drop "into" animation when dest cell has moved?