Xcode 11.4: simulator title bar

Is there way to hide new simulator's title bar? I use simulator for taking screenshots with device bezels for appstore. With this new title bar it is not possible anymore.

Interestingly enough, I cannot capture the title bar in any example when using the simulator to copy/save the screen. It doesn't matter whether the menu to hide/show bezel is enabled.

In other words, it is possible. Just works for me. No title bar when screenshots via native menus. I don't see your problem.

I've the same problem.
I use the simulator to make tutorial videos of the product and educate users. With this new bar it loses the effect of making it feel like a real device :/

I am having exactly the same issue...I used to use take screenshot of those simulator with only device bezels for App Store app preview screenshots...

Recently I found out an extremely ugly title bar has been added to the simulator window, this is bothering me a lot!!!

Wish Apple bring the old look back some day soon...

There are no options in Simulator 11.4 (921.9) to hide the the title bar. Unfortunately, since the title bar is close to the top of the bezel and casts a shadow of it's own, you can't just crop it off or you'll have an odd shadow at the top of the image. The workaround I use is to turn off shadows for the screencapture utility, then I can crop out the title bar cleanly (I cut off the top 46 points). If you want shadows on your final image, you can add them back with image editing software. It's mult step, but it gets you there.

Turn screencapture shadows off (using terminal)

defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool TRUE; killall SystemUIServer

Turn screencapture shadows on (using terminal)

defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool FALSE; killall SystemUIServer

Instead of pineing for old, why not grow, adapt, change and go new...use the native simulator menus, that's where the magic is, not old keyboard shortcuts. I don't have the problem using current IDE.

Awesome, thanks so much Swany.

Same problem. WHY APPLE, WHY?

Everyone in this thread that is having a problem with the Simulator should be filing bugs via the reporter link below, being sure to add their report #(s) to their comment for reference.

Same problem, im sad.

yip, same problem here, would be great if that could be fixed.

Same here. I have always used cmd + shift + 4 + space to avoid getting the label which used to be at the bottom. And I loved how smooth it was. Don't understand why they changed the tiny bottom label to a huge top bar which can't be excluded in screenshots. This is super frustrating.

>...which can't be excluded in screenshots by some people with broken installs.

Fixed that for you.

Any solution for this yet?
If this is desired please file a request for it in Feedback Assistant.
I'm doing this as a workaround:
  1. Start taking a screenshot with Shift+Cmd+4 (or 5 or the Screenshot.app).

  2. Press Space to switch to window mode.

  3. Click on the Simulator window while holding the Alt key.

This gives me a transparent background screenshot that includes the bezel and toolbar but without any shadows. I then crop out the window toolbar in Preview.

Using some help from the other answers here, I ended up doing the following:

  1. Take a screenshot without the shadow (CMD+SHIFT+5, then click while holding the OPTION key).
  2. Crop the title bar and apply the shadow using imagemagick (first installing imagemagick on mac using brew if not already installed).
$ brew install imagemagick
$ convert screenshot.png -gravity North -chop 0x94 \( +clone -background black -shadow 80x20+0+15 \) +swap -background transparent -layers merge +repage result.png

For the ones that like to have this functionality, I've created RocketSim 6.0. It allows creating screenshots with bezels, as well as recordings.

You can now join the beta: https://testflight.apple.com/join/ORz3QWRv

Xcode 11.4: simulator title bar