ARKit required missing, now invalid binary

I'm having the same issue that others have had:

I have an ARKit-only app, but on a recent update Xcode somehow lost the arkit key from UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in info.plist. The update was approved without any warning or notifications, but some users tried to install it on non-arkit devices and I uploaded the fix less than 24-hours later. However, the app store is rejecting it as invalid binary because it says I'm reducing the number of devices the app will work on. It never worked on non-arkit devices, but now I'm stuck in a loop where the system won't let me re-add the arkit requirement. I've reached out through several channels and can't get through to an actual person who might be able to override the setting on the app.

If anyone from Apple is reading this, please add a warning to the XCode verification process. We get an automatic rejection if the requirements are more stringent than previous versions, but there is zero notification if we accidentally submit a version that is less stringent.