Xcode Preview app on my iPad

Recently while making a Siri Shortcut, I discovered something. In open app, I saw an app called Xcode preview. When I ran the shortcut, the Xcode preview app showed a launch screen and crashed. What is this app?

Answered by NSApps in 630029022
I recently figured to that on devices iOS 13.4 or later this app lets you preview SwiftUI views when you are building them!

It is not malware and has nothing to do with your PowerPoint theme!
I have had the same issue with my iPad. I am very worried, as I downloaded a PowerPoint theme before I noticed it, I am worried that it could be malware? I contacted Apple and they said that they didn’t really know why it was there but if it was malware then Apple makes sure that your privacy is safe. They didn’t directly answer what it was and why it was there. Have you got rid of it? Did you download anything before you got it?
Accepted Answer
I recently figured to that on devices iOS 13.4 or later this app lets you preview SwiftUI views when you are building them!

It is not malware and has nothing to do with your PowerPoint theme!
Xcode Preview app on my iPad