Please allow custom domain registration

I use a contrived top level domain on my local network for development, .mydev. This allows me a lot of flexibility as I move through development to testing because any device on my network can route to my development machine's services. So, whether it is the iOS simulator or actual android or ios devices my app can hit local services on my network and I can debug both ends simultaneously.

The restriction Apple imposes on registering domain names is more than annoying. Because I can't register something like id.myproject.mydev as a valid domain in Sign in with Apple I can't do simple setup testing with my app/service. Facebook allows me to use my custom tld and therefore testing is super simple.

The "work around" for this is just plain work.

#1. I need a real domain, fine I have one I can use, but if I didn't I'd have to buy one or pay for a service like Dyn.

#2. I need to set up routing for the real domain on my network

#3. I need to generate a custom wildcard ssl cert for my new real dev domain that is tied to my internal CA

#4. I need to install this on my IIS Express instance, which is a pain (I develop backend stuff on windows)

All this because I can't add a single domain to the registered domain and subdomain list in the service id settings.

Can someone explain why Apple imposes this restriction? I just don't see a reason for it. I find apple to make testing integrations one of the most painful and time consuming things of all 3rd party services I use.


>Facebook allows me to use my custom tld and therefore testing is super simple.

Comparing FB's attitude towards any type of security with Apple...thanks, I needed a laugh this morning.

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