I have a VPN app (Packet Tunnel Provider) for Mac at the App Store, and I got the following question from a customer:
"Can the VPN stay connected between switching users in macOS?"
The customer tested it and saw the following:
"When switching users, VPN stays connected in Mojave OS but will be disconnected on Catalina OS."
I don't know how to reply and I don't know what is the expected behavior in those cases.
The only guess that I have is that it's not suppose to stay connected, because this is not a system extension, so it probably be relevant only to one user. But I'm not sure of it.
Some details that might help - The VPN is not installed from MDM, and it comes with on-demamd rules to try and stay connected whenever there's traffic.
After doing some more digging on this I would have expected this scenario to be the other way around. For example, unlike App Extensions in Mojave, System Extension (or Network Extensions) in Catalina will run independently of any user logged into the system. I think it may be best to open a bug on this so the Engineering team can take a closer look. Please follow up with the bug number of this thread so I can copy myself on it.
Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS
meaton3 at apple.com