Sandbox: This item is no longer available


Today, in-app purchases do not seem to work using the sandbox environment, the error message "This item is no longer available appears." All my contracts are signed on AppStore connect and the items are all "Cleared for sale". I believe this is an issue on apple's side as it was working well yesterday.

It seems other people are having the same issue, see:

Thank you

I'm having the same issue, would be great to confirm whether or not it is just a temporary issue on Apple's side or not!


Same issue here. No code changed, it just stopped working.

Yes, having same problem too.

Buying any inapp invokes failedTransaction callback with error code 0 (SKErrorUnknown).

Error domain is SKErrorDomain and error message is "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

Its happen to me too. Didnt change anything

I do have the same issue. However all Apple system statuses are up and running.

Still not working for me. Seems down even though apple developer status shows up and running.

Same happens when I try to purchase, any updates?

(In Test Flight) I am intermittently getting "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" errors. This happened yesterday as well and then just went away. I've rolled testing back the current production build in Test Flight and the errors occur with that build as well. Thankfully, all appears fine in Production. There is certainly something going on with the Sandbox.

Same happens to me. No code changed,

We also have this issue. It started this morning for us.

For new and old releases uploaded for test in sandbox environment.

I use Unity 2019.2.X

We also have this issue. It started this morning for us.
How and when this issue will be solved?

I had same issue yesterday.

It did not occur today, but server-side receipt verification (the following procedure) returns a 21002 error (not 21007 error) in production, and also returns a 21002 error in the sandbox.

And also, sometimes returns a "read ECONNRESET" error while connecting to the sandbox.

Looks like issue was fixed, everything working again as it should in Sandbox.

Sandbox: This item is no longer available