So we checked the: "Supports running without ios app installation", and it updated our app on the app store. Now we are seeing a lot of instances where our users have one version of the Watch app, and another of the iOS companion app. We have also been collecting a myriad of random crashes, and we can't help but wonder if it's due to these apps being out of sync.
We'd like to roll back and test this theory by making the watch app and the iPhone apps dependent on each other again. However, after opting on Apple Connect to "Remove from sale", and then "Remove app", we cannot push a new version with the change.
I get the following error:
ERROR ITMS-90768: "Invalid Bundle. The watch app '[app]' watch extension must have 'WKWatchOnly' or 'WKRunsIndependentlyOfCompanionApp' Info.plist keys set to 'true', since a version of this app that supports standalone watchOS devices is currently available on the App Store"
Does anyone know a way we can get back to having these apps dependent?