javascript promise

I am attempting to return a javascript promise from an Obj-c class, but the promise returned in the script always appears undefined. Is valueWithNewPromiseInContext supported in UIWebView or only in WKWebView?

My class has a JSExport protocol:

@protocol TestMe <JSExport>

- (void)test:(JSValue*)testID;


@interface TestMe : NSObject <WebAuthN>

+ (void)installInContext:(JSContext*)context;

- (JSValue*)test:(JSValue*)testID;


My test method:

- (JSValue *)test:(JSValue*)testID {

if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {

return [JSValue valueWithNewPromiseInContext:_jsContext fromExecutor:^(JSValue *fulfill, JSValue *reject) {

LogDebug("PKWebAuthN newPromise fulfill(%@) reject(%@)\n", fulfill, reject);

// test fulfill

dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(3 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

JSValue *v = [JSValue valueWithObject:@"success" inContext:self->_jsContext];

[fulfill callWithArguments:@[v]];



} else {

_jsContext.exception = [JSValue valueWithNewErrorFromMessage:@"webauthn not supported by this iOS version" inContext:_jsContext];

return [JSValue valueWithUndefinedInContext:_jsContext];



I successfully get my TestMe object added to the javascript JSContext (my test: method does get called from javascript)

In my web page javascript, I create the object:

function testme(testNumber) {

var testit = new TestMe();

let testpromise = testit.test(testNumber);

document.getElementById("testit").innerHTML = "testpromise: " + testpromise;

console.log("testpromise: " + testpromise);

// testpromise is always undefined here!!!

try {


function fulfilled(arg){

document.getElementById("testit").innerHTML = "fulfilled: " + arg;

console.log("fulfilled: " + arg);

webauthn = nil;


function rejected(err) {

document.getElementById("testit").innerHTML = "rejected: " + arg;

console.log("rejected: " + err);

webauthn = nil;



} catch(err) {

console.log("caught error from testpromise: " + err);

webauthn = nil;



Where I call testit.test, the value testpromise is always undefined instead of being the promise returned from my ObjC class.

My web view is UIWebView and not WKWebView