(How) can I use AVAudioRecorder with(in) CarPlay?


Currently I'm experimenting with building an iOS app that allows a motorist (app user) to do the following;

  • Activate the app by using Siri Shortcut;
  • Open up a specific ViewController within the app;
  • Start a record session automatically and record speech from the user by using the AVAudioRecorder;
  • Stop record session automatically when the users stopped speaking;
  • Upload the recording.

Now, I found out that when the user has its iPhone connected to CarPlay, Siri doesn't allow users to open an app that doesn't have CarPlay support. Following this finding I have two questions:

  1. Is there a workaround to activate/open an app with Siri, while it doesn't have CarPlay support?
  2. Is there a way to use AVAudioRecorder in order to achieve the goal to let the user record his speech, within CarPlay?



did you ever get this working?

(How) can I use AVAudioRecorder with(in) CarPlay?