iOS 13.4 Beta Crashes Phone, Contacts and Other Apps

After updating to iOS 13.4 Beta, I cannot receive any calls, I cannot dial out, the Phone App crashes, the Contacts App crashes, the FaceTime App crashes, and the Settings App crashes upon selecting certain menu items related to Phone, Cellular etc... and the Messages App crashes intermittently. Rolling back to 13.3.1 fixes the problems, but I am not able to restore to my last 13.4 back up.

Reported all the bugs to Apple but of course no action yet...

Anyone facing these issues? Any advice?


I have upgraded today (feb 16) and I’m experiencing the same issues. Hope they release a fix soon.

I have the same problem also WhatsApp messenger of any app that try to access the “call service”

Same... Please Apple help...

Yes same issue

I have the same issue, cant even make calls from whatsapp and only receive messages when the app is opened. I tried a force restart and worked for about 5 minutes.

Initiating a call from WhatsApp gives an error message "can't make a call, the phone is on another call" but of course the phone is not on another call; the Phone App doesn't work at all...

I'm having the same issue... even with the back up problem. I need to fix this ASAP...

I have the same issue, i've tried to restart the phone several times and it doesn´t work. They need to find a solution for this ASAP.

Same issue, but somehow I was able to make a call, but I didnt get the screen to finalize the call. is there any workaround?

I have tried, settings reset. activate/deactivate airplane mode, extracting-sim. No success.

PUblic beta 2, killed my cellular connection. Ubale to access Cellular, crashes settings. unable to open up any apps that require network connectivity (almost all). Can connect to apps using Wifi but its taking a whle to load the apps. Tried resetting network settings etc. still facing the same problems.

Same with me, how’s your problem bro? Rectify already?

This IOS 13.4 beta really ***** crashes my cellular and many other apps.

Same issue. Tried to do factory reset with recovery mode but still no luck. The stable version cannot be installed. ***!!!

Same issue here, no cellular now. When apple can fix this.

I’m facing the exact same problems too! So infuriating. Hope Apple comes up with a fix soonest.

yes i am facing the same problems now! any 1 any workaround while waiting for apple to fix?

Mine also the same. Hope apple will help to fix this

Same issue .no network

Yes I face the same issue also please help!

Gosh I’m facing the same issue also I sent my phone to the Apple center and they do diagnostic check and they say my cellular receiver is broken ? But the day before the update is still work fine my phone. Now everything just keep crashing !

So what is their advise? Repair or how?

They say either try reformat and see if it’s software glitch or pay 3000 to fix it

I can't connect my earphone.

yeah, same happened to me, i update to ios 13.4 beta 2, everything run's fine, until one moment my mobile network network stop working and its changed to always searching and everything start to become not responsive, manage to backup my phone while in 13.4 beta 2 and revert back to ios 13.3.1 but can't run recover because it said my ios is old, so i hope the next beta release will fix this issue.

Have you tried this method @bilalyousuf? Settings >General>Reset>Reset All Settings The reason why I ask is quite possibly a COM file may have been corrupted during a download.

iOS 13.4 Beta Crashes Phone, Contacts and Other Apps