I want to make sure I understand the implications of some of the answers in the Network Entitlement FAQ post -> https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/67613
My current commercial enterprise-focused app uses the NKE APIs to protect the user from network threats. It is installed, updated and controlled by a management system built for the administration of the product. If we use the newly provided APIs from the Network Extensions, then it must be distributed by the Mac App Store? If we use these APIs we no longer control the installation/update of (at least) that portion of the product?
Is this correct?
Note System extensions are not supported on iOS, so all of the following applies to the Mac only.
A system extension runs system wide. An app extension, conceptually at least, runs on behalf of one user.
The logic behind this is very clear in other contexts. For example, it makes sense that an EndpointSecurity system extension run system wide and a share extension run on behalf of a specific user. This is less clear for NE providers. Some NE provider types are only supported as system extensions. In contrast, NE tunnel providers are supported as both app extensions and system extensions.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware
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