I used below code for UITextField Keyboard Type.
sampleTextField.keyboardType = .decimalPad
In the keyborad displayed,how to add % key ?
I used below code for UITextField Keyboard Type.
sampleTextField.keyboardType = .decimalPad
In the keyborad displayed,how to add % key ?
It is the same question as adding a Done key in keyboard.
I largely copy here code I wrote for this
To do it in a VC.
Declare at the class level:
let pcButton = UIButton(type: UIButton.ButtonType.custom)
In viewDidLoad:
pcButton.setTitle("%", for: UIControl.State())
pcButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(pcTyped(_:)), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside)
pcButton.isHidden = true
in keyboardWillShow
@objc func keyboardWillShow(_ note : Notification) -> Void {
self.pcButton.isHidden = true
DispatchQueue.main.async { () -> Void in
let keyBoardWindow = UIApplication.shared.windows.last // C'est la fenêtre complete
let hauteurWindow = (keyBoardWindow?.frame.size.height ?? 500) - bottomPadding - topPadding
var largeurClavier = kBSize.width
var xPosPCKey = CGFloat(10)
if kBSize.width > 800 {
largeurClavier = 3 * kBSize.width / 5
xPosPCKey = (kBSize.width - largeurClavier) / 2
let hauteurClavier = kBSize.height - bottomPadding
let offsetVertical : CGFloat = bottomPadding > 0 ? -8 : -16
let quartHauteurClavier = hauteurClavier / 4
self.pcButton.frame = CGRect(x: xPosReturnKey, y: hauteurWindow - quartHauteurClavier - offsetVertical, width: largeurClavier / 3, height: quartHauteurClavier) // move up a little
usleep(300000) // Give 0.3s for button to appear
UIView.animate(withDuration: (((note.userInfo! as NSDictionary).object(forKey: UIResponder.keyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey) as AnyObject).doubleValue)!, delay: 0, options: UIView.AnimationOptions.curveEaseIn, animations: { () -> Void in
self.view.frame = self.view.frame.offsetBy(dx: 0, dy: 0)
}, completion: { (complete) -> Void in
self.pcButton.isHidden = false
} )
For the final implementation, you may not want to hard-code the usage of the ASCII '%' symbol and instead use a localized value. Not all languages use that specific symbol for percent.
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