Can I launch another CarPlay app from a CarPlay app?

I want to switch from a running CarPlay app

to another CarPlay app without going through CarPlay HOME.

I have tried openURL using URL scheme.

As a result, the app started on the smartphone,

but the app on the Simulator did not switch.

I would like to know the URL

if there is official information on CarPlay application switching.

To launch another app in CarPlay from your app via URL scheme, you can use the openURL method on your app's CarPlay UIScene. Unless your app is an automaker app, this will be an instance of CPTemplateApplicationScene.

Code Block objc
CPTemplateApplicationScene *templateApplicationScene = ...
[templateApplicationScene openURL:<URL> options: ... completionHandler: ...];

-[UIApplication openURL:options:completionHandler:] will open the target app on the device screen, as you've observed.

Please See our CarPlay Quick Ordering sample for an example of how to launch Maps in CarPlay with coordinates from another CarPlay app.

Can I launch another CarPlay app from a CarPlay app?