In-App Purchase Sandbox completely broken on macOS Catalina

I have a sandbox test user which I used to test In-App purchases. Everything was working until I upgraded to macOS Catalina (10.15.3).

If I try to refresh a receipt when it's not available with SKReceiptRefreshRequest() it fails with error: Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)".

Calling exit(173) shows error message: {application name} is damaged and can't be opened. Delete {application name} and download it again from the App Store.

In any case I can see a warning in Subsystem: Category: CommerceKit message: <ReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x7fb7cb439c90>: Error fetching receipt for {application name} - Error Code=500317 "(null)".

There was no problem on Mojave so it was broken in Catalina. Did anyone found a solution?

  • @radionoise were you able to resolve this? I am facing the same issue on Monterey

  • I'm facing the same problem. I'm running on macOS 12.2.1, so if this was fixed it is back. I'm guessing there's something wrong with the active account, but I already signed out of the App Store.

    These are the messages that logged to the console:

    <StoreKitClient: 0x7f7c7cf190f0>: Using active account. Sandbox: 1, receipt exists: NO, receipt is stub: NO <ReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x7f7c7d9126f0>: Error fetching receipt for nl.smashbits.SmashTunes - Error Code=500317 "(null)"

    I'm not sure which "active account" it is using, because I not prompted for it.

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