Based on the game options within my game, which are selected by the player, there can be multiple types of matches the player could join which have the required "number of players" but also share the same "player group number".
I am calling "findMatch()" for each different match type one by one, however, I would like to know what a reasonable time would be to wait for Game Center to determine if there is an actual match in which the player can join. When there is not a match available for the game type I am currently searching for, then I cancel the match request and move on to search for the next type of match, via a new findMatch() call and so on.
Would waiting 10 seconds for Game Center to determine if a match exists be reasonable before starting a new "findMatch( )" request in Game Center?
1) If the host is requesting a 3-player game then why would it take the third player (non-host player) a much longer time to join the game than it did for the second player (non-host player) to join?
It may take the second player a long long time if there is no host advertising for players. It may take the third player the same amount of time if the third is looking when there is no host advertising for players. As soon as a host appears both the second and third will find a match quickly - but a fourth or a fifth will still await the next host to appear.
2) If the host is requesting a 4-player game then why would the third player (non-host player) have to wait for the fourth player to be available before the third player joins?
They wouldn't have to wait - but the match won't start until all are found.