Brazilian Taxes Prices

Hi, I'm finishing an update to my app with in-app purchases.

I would like to know if is possible to know exactly how much I'm going to receive in my sells. Example: I sell a product for 10 brl. Would I receive 7 (10 - 30% to Apple) or less, considering more local taxes?

I searched a little and haven't found an answer.



VAT in Brazil is 17%. I am not certain but I believe that Apple will bill the user 11.7, net that to 10 and give you 7.

So, in this case the price I've selected in the product in app have chance to do not be the real one charged to my user? If so I will have a problem.

When you make a purchase, almost any purchase anywhere, it has a price and then tax is added to that price. Your price is 10. The user will get a bill for 10 plus tax.

I got it, but in Brazil we are not used to do that.

Here if a product has 10 write as its price, we expect to pay 10. It's normal to phisical and digital products.

So that means the VAT is included in the price. Then you will receive less than 70% of that price from Apple.