Do I need to launch a network Extension from an app or can it be launched from a launch Daemon ?
Do I need to launch a Endpoint security extension from an app or can it be launched from a launch Daemon ?
Can you launch both from the same app or launch Daemon ?
Useful thing to know if anyone find this - after turning off sid protection 'crsutil disable' in recovery mode, you should use 'systemextensionsctl developer on' to allow the system extension to install from the build directory instead of /Applications.
I've also found that using 'systemextensionsctl reset' before using 'systemextensionsctl uninstall' can lead to an odd state where when you install a network extension with the same name it may not work correctly, the NSXPconnection will fail to connect.
also strangly enough, after using systemextensionsctl unistall, the extension will say something like, 'uninstalled will remove on reboot' but I wont actually but removed on reboot. It will eventually disappear from the list after some undetermined number of reboots. Its very odd behaviour and again can effect extensions with the same name.
The best thing to do is to use 'systemextensionsctl developer on' and never explicitly uninstall the extension, just rebuild and run to 'upgrade'