How to set new line character programmatically for NSTableView

Hello I have the following piece of code to display data in NSTextView. I want to have a new line after each record. Need help to set the new line character so Swift will not concatenate each time a new record is inserted into the TextView, on line 28.

Any help will be appreciated.

{By the way, I've spent weeks trying to use the NSTableView without success. This method is simple and it gives me what I need).

@IBActionfunc showStudents(_ sender: NSButton) {

    guard (NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate) != nil  else {
        _ = (NSApplication.shared.delegate as!
        _ = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Registration")
        _ = NSSortDescriptor(key: "lastName", ascending: true)
                let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest = Registration.fetchRequest()
            do {
                let items = try managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
               for item in items {
                if let record0Item = item.value(forKey: "lastName") as? String
                  print ("Record Item is \(record0Item)")
                    print ("Last Name Item is \(lastNameItem)")
                  if let record1Item = item.value(forKey: "firstName") as? String
                    print ("Record Item is \(record1Item)")
                    print ("First Name Item is \(firstNameItem)")
                if let record2Item = item.value(forKey: "middleName") as? String
                    print ("Record Item is \(record2Item)")
                    studentsText?.string = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))
                    print ("Middle Name Item is \(middleNameItem)")
Answered by Claude31 in 402124022

Your title speaks about tableView, but the message is about TextView. What is the point ?

I interpreted as a question about the TextView. Is it ?

If so, what you do now is that each new record overwrites the existing one. Exact ?

You need to change 2 things:

- write record in addition to existing ones

- insert a linefeed.

Could change

                    studentsText?.string = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))


let newLine = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))
studentsText?.string = studentsText?.string! + newLine + "\n"

That will add an extra linefeed at the end of text, but that should not be a problem.

If it is, need a bit more complex logic:

var newLine = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))
if studentsText?.string! != "" { newLine = "\n" + newLine
studentsText?.string = studentsText?.string! + newLine

Hope I understaood what you want to do.

Accepted Answer

Your title speaks about tableView, but the message is about TextView. What is the point ?

I interpreted as a question about the TextView. Is it ?

If so, what you do now is that each new record overwrites the existing one. Exact ?

You need to change 2 things:

- write record in addition to existing ones

- insert a linefeed.

Could change

                    studentsText?.string = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))


let newLine = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))
studentsText?.string = studentsText?.string! + newLine + "\n"

That will add an extra linefeed at the end of text, but that should not be a problem.

If it is, need a bit more complex logic:

var newLine = ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))
if studentsText?.string! != "" { newLine = "\n" + newLine
studentsText?.string = studentsText?.string! + newLine

Hope I understaood what you want to do.

Hello Claude31:

You were correct. My question related to NSTextView, not NSTableView.

From your suggestions, this worked:

let newLine =  ((lastNameItem) + (" ") + (firstNameItem) + (" ") + (middleNameItem))
studentsText?.string = studentsText!.string + newLine + "\n"


How to set new line character programmatically for NSTableView