UITabBarController tint color problem on iOS 13

When I select first item in tab bar, the selected tint colour doesn't change, but when I tap second time the same item, it works then. That only happen on the first tab bar item and it looks like tab bar is refreshing. Tapping every other item in tab bar works as expected and doesn't have that problem. This only happens on iOS 13. I tried using

, but it's the same.

When I select first item in tab bar, the selected tint colour doesn't change,

Where would it change ? In the destination view you have navigated to ?

Do you mean it stays gray instead of turning blue ?

Is it a standard UITabBarItem or did you subclass ?

How did you connect the tabBar to the childviews ? In code ? In IB ?

Note: I tested, it works.

Could you add in viewDidLoad for the view for first item of tabBar (with tabBarItem1 as IBOutlet for the UITabBarItem in this view)

            tabBarItem1.setTitleTextAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.font: attrFont, NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.red], for: UIControl.State.normal)
UITabBarController tint color problem on iOS 13