iPhone 11 Pro Max simulator slow on MacBook Pro 16

I've just bought a new Macbook Pro 16 (i7 / 32GB / 5300M) and I've noticed that iPhone 11 Pro Max simulator continuosly lag on animations (slow animation disabled). It is very fastidious! With the iPhone 11 Pro the problem seems to be less present. With an iPhone 8 the problem does not exists.

It very ridicoluos that this machine is not able to run the simulator perfectly. Anyone with the same issue?

Can anyone please explain me how it is possible?

(Catalina 10.15.2 & XCode 11.3)

I've got the exact same issue ! Same configuration exactly. Globally I've witnessed some weird lags with this laptop even when playing videos on VLC. I hope they fix it in a future update. Have you found any possible reason for these lags on your end ?

I have a 2018 15" 2.6 GHz 6-Core i7 32 gigs and 512, the I noticed the iPhone 11 Pro Max is very slow but iPhone 2 SE was smooth. :/

Hello guys!

This is my first post on developer forums!

I am here to help you!

So, according to me, the problem could be that you are using the simulator for the first few times.

You guys have 16 inch MBPs etc. But sadly I have a Mid 2012 MacBook Pro with just 4 GB RAM and 500 GB of storage!

Imagine how hard it is to even lauch Xcode (takes 30 minuites!). I am a developer, I have that device, so I have to deal with it, I can't even use SwiftUI, even Storyboard is super slow. I have used the iPhone 11 Pro Max simulator 2-3 times and I understood that despite my device being super slow, the simulator is slow in the initial stages and becomes fast later on.

Hope I helped!




(Biggest 14 year old Apple fan! - Or a Pro Max Apple fan!)

iPhone 11 Pro Max simulator slow on MacBook Pro 16