UISplitViewController and passthroughViews


on a split view controller with master view shown (with displayModeButton) in portrait mode on ipad I need some controls on the detail view to receive touch events; in the old, deprecated, UISplitViewControllerDelegate methods I used to set the passthroughViews for the corresponding master view popoverController which no longer seems to exist. How can I achieve the same behaviour on iOS ≥ 10 ? I want touch events on the background detail view to be correctly delivered to some of its controls (not all), what I get is just the master view to hide whenever I touch outside it.

Thanks for any hint!


Did you try to add, in appDidFinishLaunching:

        splitViewController.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible

I tried but that's not what I want, the master view contrioller show only be visible when the user choose to, not all the time

Well, probably you can call this when you need and restore .automatic if you don't want.

Without seeing the complete code, it is a bit hard to say where to implement…

UISplitViewController and passthroughViews