Device limit reached on an expired developer account.

My Apple Developer Account ended but I continue to develop iOS apps. I'd like to run them on an iPhone connected to Xcode, but the number of registered devices related to my account ID is full and I can't run a project on a newer iPhone. I sent a message to developer support about clearing my registered devices but it's been a week and I haven't heard back. What is the e-mail address of developer support that can help me with this?

Accepted Reply

The channel is via the contact us link below where you ping them and wait for them to call you.

I'd be interested if they clear that list for you now that your account is expired, so if you can follow up, I'd appreciate it so I can update some info on that process, thanks.



The channel is via the contact us link below where you ping them and wait for them to call you.

I'd be interested if they clear that list for you now that your account is expired, so if you can follow up, I'd appreciate it so I can update some info on that process, thanks.


Hey, I don't know if they changed their policy or if I am just not lucky but I contacted the support for exactly the same problem (my account expired in 2015), but the support answered me that they won't reset my device list and the only solution for me is to register a paid account again.