How cas I notarize an app for mac without xcode?

We are developing an app for mac that we distribute outside de App Store. We had a building process which signs the app, but now it is requiered to notarize the app too.

Our app is builded with electron, so we do not need the Xcode ide at all. But all the solutions I had read works with altool that is only avaible (not sure) in Xcode ide.

So, How cas I notarize an app for mac without xcode?


> we do not need the Xcode ide at all.

Ah, but you do. The documentation seems clear enough:

"Prepare Your Software for Notarization

Notarization requires Xcode 10 or later. Building a new app for notarization requires macOS 10.13.6 or later. Stapling an app requires macOS 10.12 or later."


utility, which you use to perform notarization, only supports notarization starting in Xcode 10."

Find a supported mac, install a compatible Xcode, and just do it.

For support w/3rd party tools, best to contact their authors.

You can now use, which you can download from the App Store. It contains a copy of `altool` you can use.

Thank you, sstanley, using altool found inside did the trick.

But how about to replace "xcrun stapler staple" stage?

I don't see any alternative for stapler.

I don't see any alternative for



Having said that, stapling is not the most critical part of the notarisation process. It only really matters if the system is offline at the time it checks for notarisation (currently that’s when Gatekeeper checks the code signature).

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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How cas I notarize an app for mac without xcode?