How to enable push service via apple connect api?

Hi, Does anybody know how to use apple connect api to enable push service, we used below api and parameters to enable push service.


"data": {

"type": "bundleIdCapabilities",

"relationships": {

"bundleId": {

"data": {

"type": "bundleIds",

"id": "C37G96QG6S"




"attributes": {

"capabilityType": "PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS",

"settings": [



"options": [



"enabled": true








we got the response is ok,but failed to enable the push servive, does anybody know how to correct to configure the data


I have a similar problem her. I can't figure out how to configure a bundleId PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS capability, I can create a bundle ID, and enable PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS capability for it, but i need to set PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS capability certificate and I'm stock at this point, can same one help?

Thanks, hope same one response with an answer.

How to enable push service via apple connect api?