app crashes updating to Xcode 11.2 from 11.1

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My app ran without any crashes while using Xcode 11.1. After updating to XCode 11.2, my app experienced a crash:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named _UITextLayoutView because no class named _UITextLayoutView was found; the class needs to be defined in source code or linked in from a library (ensure the class is part of the correct target)'

This crash seems to occur during a perpare for seque, before any of my views appear on the screen.

Any idea on the cause or solution?


Answered by DTS Engineer in 392605022

This is addressed in the GM Seed of Xcode 11.2.1. If you are writing a Mac Catalyst app, please also see the release notes for Xcode 11.2.1.

For any other issues you encounter while using Xcode, please file bug reports.


When will it be edited?

You're "aware" of the issue? "Aware"? Really? Were you "aware" of it when it was still in beta? No? Why not. We demand an expanation. Why did this get released when you were "aware" of this bug. UITextView is a VERY, very, VERY common UI element, found in a HUGE collection of apps. First our OS won't sit still without kernel panicing, and now this.

We don't want a fix for this. We want Apple to fix everything else that's begining to break apart.

If Apple is already aware of the issue, where's the dot release of Xcode to fix this? I agree with others that this is a major problem. I have many UITextViews in storyboards and I'm not about the refactor to use code. I imagine numerous others are in the same boat. Also, not being able to use Xcode 11.2 is a major pain. Just today I was unable to debug an issue on my iPhone 11 Pro with iOS 13.2; a combination that Xcode 11.1 doesn't seem to support.

Please fix ASAP. It's far far cheaper for Apple to do an immediate fix then waste developer's time on the so-called workaround. Or, the lost productivity of not being able to move to 11.2.

One of the internal apps I created years ago has a storyboard with every possible type of UI element. I then have tests around this. It's a great way to see what may break between releases. I surely hope Apple has something similar they can run so that bugs like these do not make it to developers.

Looks like Xcode 11.2.1 GM has it fixed. 🙂

I don’t understand how Xcode with this kind of bug went out to public.. :/ basic feature, not some crazy new framework etc :/ I would really like to know what happened, how did we get that crash 😀

Accepted Answer

This is addressed in the GM Seed of Xcode 11.2.1. If you are writing a Mac Catalyst app, please also see the release notes for Xcode 11.2.1.

For any other issues you encounter while using Xcode, please file bug reports.


Thank you!

I've found the misbehavior in subclasses of UIButton and UITextField, too. Unfortunately, Xcode 11.2.1 doesn't help. 😢

11.2.1 did not totally solve this crash for me. Same UITextField crash issue on sim running 12.2, but iPhone running 13.2 now ok

Make sure to file bugs with these addtional cases.

Updating to XCode 11.2.1 did not help with this crash in my particular situation.

As a hail Mary, I deleted each text field and then did "control-Z" to undo the delete. This fixed the crash after watching it crash on XCode 11.2.1 serveral times. To be more specific, I deleted them all, ran the app, added one back at a time using control-Z to see if a particular one was causing it. No crashes so I'm releasing it. Now that we know our testing may not yield the same results when the app is downloaded from the app store, I'll be testing it before the users get to it...hopefully.

I would imagine that by deleting the fields and undoing it, the internals of the text field that were causing the crash were updated to whatever newer stuff likes. If you're about to throw your computer through the window, this might just save you some money for the window and the computer 😉

Why apple released xcode with this BUG. S U C K S

In my case, any XIB with a UITextView in it will crash.

I tried the above-mentioned technique of deleting the UITextView, and then immediately undoing the delete: this resolves the issue.

Doing a side-by-side Differences compare of XIBs in BBEdit shows only minor metadata changes in the XIB header--the actual TextView definition is unchanged.

XCode 11.2.1 does NOT fix this issue. I have submitted a bug report to Apple.

This bug is sloppy and unacceptable. Apple needs to fix this.

about Mac Catalyst, release notes say:

Storyboards containing a

will cause the app to crash on macOS versions earlier than macOS 10.15.1 if compiled on a Mac running macOS 10.15.1. (56808566)

does it mean that we'll need to wait for Xcode 11.2.2 or something, or that the problem will fix itself when compiling on macOS 10.15.2?

UITextView not fixed in 11.2.1 and may show in subclasses of UIButton as well, is an important information.

It would be worth a new thread stressing that problem not solved in 11.2.1.

I'm having the same issue, Xcode 11.2, crashes on device (13.2.1) but works fine on simulator 13.2. It's crashing with FirebaseAuthViewController for me, there is a storyboard and a textview involved.

Completely agree. My app was rejected today because it's crashing on 13.2 during App Review. The only way for me to test on my devices is to upgrade to XCode 11.2. However, from what I'm reading, that would be a monumental mistake. I'd rather keep a stable build out there for the time-being rather than create a situation where everything will be blowing up.

Is there an ETA on this?

Can you please post the bug number?

download new xcode 11.2.1, issue is fixes

xcode 11.2.1,issue is fixed

xcode11.2.1, issue is fixed

Downloaded Xcode 11.2.1, on my iOS 13.2.1 it doesn't work, bug not fixed, same issue.

Should I use iOS 13.2.2?

If this supposedly fixed in Xcode 11.2.1, then why do I still see crash reports for users running iOS 13.1.x?

> SIGABRT: Could not instantiate class named _UITextLayoutView because no class named _UITextLayoutView was found; the class needs to be defined in source code or linked in from a library (ensure the class is part of the correct target)

I do subclass UITextView (from a Storyboard) but I don't think that could be causing the issue.

Your app needs to be rebuilt with Xcode 11.2.1 in order for iOS 13.1 and earlier customers to not encounter this crash. Also, those customers may not have updated to your new version that's fixed -- your app's build number at the top of the crash report gives you an indication of which build they are using.

> Your app needs to be rebuilt with Xcode 11.2.1 in order for iOS 13.1 and earlier customers to not encounter this crash.

It already is built with Xcode 11.2.1 and yet the crash still occurs for users running iOS 13.1.x.

> Also, those customers may not have updated to your new version that's fixed -- your app's build number at the top of the crash report gives you an indication of which build they are using.

No need to be condencending. I've been developing apps for over 20 years and iOS apps since spring 2008. I know how to read crash reports.

I'm using MS App Center for crash reports (TestFlight often take days before reporting crashes) and they do report that the crashes occur in the latest version of my app, which was build with Xcode 11.2.1.

In fact, DTXcodeBuild in the info.plist reports that build 11B53 was used to build the app.

I don't mean to sound condescending, I'm sorry you heard it like that. The version number is an important detail that not everyone knows to look at.

Xcode 11.2.1 was released yesterday, with build number 11B500. The GM Seed previously referened by me in other posts on this thread had build number 11B53. Please rebuild with this released build, and if you still continue to get these crashes after that, please open a Feedback Assistant ticket and post the number here so I can follow up on it.

app crashes updating to Xcode 11.2 from 11.1