In testing out the Core NFC API
~ iPhone 7, IOS 13.1,13.2
With the Sample-NFC-Application available at
I've occasionally gotten an Error, as reported by the Delegate-Callback for when the Reader-Session has invalidated
~ readerSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: Error)
of NFCError Code=203 “Session is invalidated due to system resource is unavailable”
Once this error has triggered, it will continue to occur anytime another NFC-Scan is attempted.
The error will then also occur for any other App that tries to use the NFC API
~ e.g. NXP-TagInfo
Effectively killing NFC App functionality on the IOS-Device..
The only way to stop this is to Restart the IOS Device.
Here is a Stack-Overflow Post on the issue
I'm assuming from the Post, and my own testing that attempting to start another NFC-Scan when one is already in progress
is one of the main factors in causing the error to occur.
My questions are;
1. Are there any other actions that would cause the NFCError 203 to occur?
2. Is there any way to fix the state of the NFC functionality of the IOS-Device once the NFCError 203 error
has occurred, other than restarting the IOS-Device?