StoryBoard Launch Screen not appearing

Hi guys,

in the past I had the issue that images in the StoryBoard-created launch screen (splash screen) did not appear. Now it's getting worse:

  1. No matter what I put in the LaunchScreen.storyboard (images, labels) the splash screen of my app remains black on my iPhone
  2. On the simulator the splash screen appears fine!
  3. I created a new app, only generating a splash screen, and it worked fine on my iPhone and on the Simulator
  4. I copied the LaunchScreen.storyboard of this new app and put it in the problematic app and the problem persists.

I rebooted the iPhone, rebooted the Mac, nothing helps. The launchscreen is 100% black on startup. This is driving me crazy. Any suggestions?

Answered by KMT in 390785022

Not sure what your actual issue is, but when images work in the sim and not on a device, the traditional issue surrounds naming. Sim (your mac) is not case sensitive; iOS on a device is. MyImage.png is not the same as myImage.png on your device.

4. Be sure to (a) hit the project via the Product menu>clean build folder before building/testing on your device again and (b) delete all existing versions of that app before building/testing again as well.

Accepted Answer

Not sure what your actual issue is, but when images work in the sim and not on a device, the traditional issue surrounds naming. Sim (your mac) is not case sensitive; iOS on a device is. MyImage.png is not the same as myImage.png on your device.

4. Be sure to (a) hit the project via the Product menu>clean build folder before building/testing on your device again and (b) delete all existing versions of that app before building/testing again as well.

I had the same problem with the black launch screen. Although, mine was a trivial error and could have been easily avoided, had I been more thorough and paid a little attention. I could have noticed right away that the "LaunchScreen.storyboard" which always appeared as "Launch...oryboard" due to the lack of horizontal screen estate, indeed was named "Launch Screen.storyboard", with a big fat space in the middle. Meanwhile on the "App Icons and Launch Images" section of the "General" tab on the "Targets" page it was called "LaunchScreen", without a space...
The fix for me was, i had my file name on my macbook w special characters "...V2.0...". The image would show in view controllers but not for launch screen. I had renamed the file(after seeing some online recommendations) in xcode..

However, renaming it in xcode doesnt change the true file name in the computer folder structures. After clicking "Show in Finder" i noticed the name w special characters. Updated that and it worked for me on phone and simulator.

I'm using a Launch Storyboard in xCode 14 and the launch screen only appeared in the simulator, not on the device. The issue was I had Safe Area enabled in the Storyboard and now it works fine.

StoryBoard Launch Screen not appearing