Unable to Boot Simulator NSPOSIX Code 6-

Over the weekend, I upgrade from Mojave to Catalina, which brought in xCode 11.1. In Mojave, I had no problem with the simulator. In fact, with xCode 11, xCode works fine. The simulator won't boot up. Throws this message:

Unable to boot the Simulator

Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain

Code: 60

Failure Reason: launchd failed to respond.

When I am at home and connected to a my wi-fi, I have no issues at all.

When I am at work and connected to the limited "guest" account, that is when I get the error. If I switch my iPhone to HotSpot and connect the Mac, then the Simulator works as expected.

In Mojave xCode and Simulator worked fine over the company's "guest" network.

Without resorting to down-grading Catalina back to Mojave, is there something in Catalina/xCode that can bypass this internet connection requirement?


Answered by KMT in 389600022

>What do you suppose is the file that is attempting to be written to that is controlled by SIP?

I suspect it's a basket of things that vary case/by/case. Google shows this to be an issue going back at least 2 yrs. Maybe some of those post/threads can help reveal a constant. Maybe file a bug and see what comes back.

Good luck.

Edit: From the latest Xcode 11.3 beta release notes:

"Under certain network conditions, GateKeeper may block simulators from booting, and show error code 60

failed to respond.” (55878667)

Workaround: Try to boot the simulator again. Disabling WiFi or disconnecting from any active VPNs may resolve the problem."

Did you reset the Simulator's 'Content and Settings'?

Tried disabling SIP?


I have the same problem with my Mac 10.15 Catalina and XCode 11.1. Strange thing is once after reinstalling catalina and xcode it worked for a while and suddenly stopped booting up the simulator.

After this no matter what you do simulator won't boot up.

- I tried disabling SIP (csrutil disable) still the same problem

- Tried to change /tmp folder permission, unable to do so. It is still the same as below

lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root admin 11 Oct 18 15:47 /tmp -> private/tmp

- Deleted logs, derived data etc .. no luck

- Tried with a new app -- same problem

- Tried reinstalling xcode -- same problem

I see below messages in console when I start simulator

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.SystemConfiguration.configd_host: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0xfffffecc

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.audio.coreaudiod: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.SystemConfiguration.PPPController: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.audio.audiohald: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.coreservices.lsuseractivity.simulatorsupport: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.SystemConfiguration.configd: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.FSEvents: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.IOSurface.Remote: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service IndigoHIDRegistrationPort: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimFramebufferServer: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service PurpleFBServer: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.metal.simulator: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service PurpleFBTVOutServer: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.CoreSimulator.host.bootstrap_port: launch_sim_register_endpoint: 0x44e

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "Operation timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to boot the Simulator., NSLocalizedFailureReason=launchd failed to respond.}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "Operation timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to boot the Simulator., NSLocalizedFailureReason=launchd failed to respond.}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "Operation timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to boot the Simulator., NSLocalizedFailureReason=launchd failed to respond.}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 com.apple.dt.Xcode[18959] <Error>: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "Operation timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=launchd failed to respond., NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to boot the Simulator.}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error Domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError Code=165 "Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error Domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError Code=165 "Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error looking up host support port: Error Domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError Code=165 "Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Error Domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError Code=165 "Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown}

Oct 23 06:23:33 OHBOCMBD5GXHTD8 CoreSimulatorService[18965] <Error>: Failed to notify_get_state: com.apple.system.thermalpressurelevel 2

Can any one pls help?

I am facing the same issue anyone here to help out please ?

Unable to Boot Simulator NSPOSIX Code 6-