How to find the frame of the camera preview in UIImagePickerController?

Hi folks,

Please bear with me - tonight I started my very first Swift app after years of iOS programming in Objective C. I am a complete Swift noob, but I trust that with a but of help i will learn quickly.

I am building a simple camera app and would like to draw a frame aorund the camera viewfinder as seen on the iPhone screen when you activate the camera. Therefore I need to find the frame coordinates (x, y, width, height) of the default live preview image of the UIImagePickerController. I can't find it on the web. Many tips on how to create custom viewfinders, but that's not what I want - I want to use the default iPhone camera with all its functions and get the (screen) coordinates of the camera viewfinder (which will be different on different models).

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.