iOS 13.1 Bug: NavigationBar misplaced when using view controller-based status bar appearance

In iOS 13 there seems to be a bug. When the app is using a view controller-based status bar appearance by setting



in info.plist and overriding prefersStatusBarHidden in some ViewControllers subclasses with returning true for some ViewControllers and returning false for some other ViewController subclasses than the NavigationBar gets misplaced on devices like iPhone 6, 7 or 8.

Is there a workaround for this?

Is this a known issue?

On iOS 12 this problem does not occur.

Here is an example Xcode project where you can see this bug:

I also get a similar issue - did you ever find a workaround?
iOS 13.1 Bug: NavigationBar misplaced when using view controller-based status bar appearance