iOS 13 - UIPopoverPresentationController / UITableView / Safe Area problem with top cell overflowing into the UIPopover Arrow

I have a UITableViewController instantiated from the Storyboard. I'm presenting it in a UIPopoverViewController.

Depending on orientation I either have a side missing or the top missing and the content of the UITableView scrolls 'through' the arrow.

The UITVC was created in IB, not changed (no safe area or margin changes from the default). The protype cell has it's 4 sides set to the 'safe area'. I'm not doing anything in code about insets or anything... but this is the result on iOS 13 devices, when it's perfect on pre-iOS 13 devices:

These are when it's on the top, but if it presents on the side then the whole side


I am fully aware that in the 'patch notes' - but not in the documentation, that iOS 13 changed the way the tables are set out with safe areas and the such, but I've not changed anything and I don't know why this isn't working. Please would someone walk me through this new change and how to make my code compliant?

Stack post:

iOS 13 - UIPopoverPresentationController / UITableView / Safe Area problem with top cell overflowing into the UIPopover Arrow