iOS13 Wrong UIPasteboard.general.changeCount after UITextField becomes first responder

I have an UIButton and a UITextField. When I press the button, the text field is made the first responder.

Here is the action for button press:

@objc func btnAction(_ sender: Any?) {

print("changeCount before pressing btn: \(UIPasteboard.general.changeCount)")


DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + 2) {

print("changeCount after showing kbd: \(UIPasteboard.general.changeCount)")



When I press the button, the keyboard is shown and the changeCount of the general pasteboard is incremented by 2 even if I dont add anything to pasteboard!? Here's the output:


changeCount before pressing btn: 45

changeCount after showing kbd: 47


On iOS 11, 12, it works as expected, the changedCount is not modified.

Further on, I subclassed the UITextField like this:

class CustomTextField: UITextField {

override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {

print("canPerformAction: \(action)")

let a = super.canPerformAction(action, withSender: sender)

print("changeCount after canPerformAction: \(UIPasteboard.general.changeCount)")

return a



The output is now:


changeCount before pressing btn: 45

canPerformAction: paste:

changeCount after canPerformAction: 46

changeCount after showing kbd: 47


On iOS 11, 12, 'canPerformAction' is not called at all:


changeCount before pressing btn: 3003

changeCount after showing kbd: 3003


It this a bug on iOS13 or am I doing something wrong?

Same problem here. Since iOS 13 the changeCount value is changing. Any updated on this?

I've opened a TSI for this and I got a solution:

When adding content on the pasteboard, beside the standard content type, (string, image, etc), also add a custom presentation type so you can check on it later.

let myContentKey = "myContent"

UIPasteboard.general.items = [[kUTTypeUTF8PlainText as String: someString, myContentKey: 1]]

And then, when pasting, do like this:

if (lastKnownGeneralPasteboardChangeCount != UIPasteboard.general.changeCount) &&

!UIPasteboard.general.contains(pasteboardTypes: [myContentKey])

{ // we'll be using this fresh content from the general pasteboard




{ // use app local pasteboard content, cause general pasteboard contains my own items



This is not a solution since I do not need to set the items. I just want to check if the user has copied another text with the pasteboard.

@myintruder do you have any updates about this?

iOS13 Wrong UIPasteboard.general.changeCount after UITextField becomes first responder