iOS 13 UITextField content type, UIKeyboard suggestion


Aside from the fact that text editing is much less intuitive in iOS 13 than before, the UIKeyboard doesn't make any suggestions based on the content type of UITextField when UITextAutocorrectionType is not enabled.

I diden't find anything in the documentation, which indicate that's a voluntary restriction.

So, I wonder if it's a bug or not?

For my understanding, what do you find less intuitive ? May be it is just the time needed to get accustomed to it ?

For UITextAutocorrectionType, do you notice the change on simulator and / or on device ?

Here some doc that could be interesting to read:

h ttps://

Ahah. The intuitiveness of text editing was just a personal remark.

The probleme is not realy with UITextAutocorrectionType, but rather with UITextContentType.

The change is on both, but on simulator no suggestion is made.

Thanks for your reply.

UITextContentType are dta as: addressCityAndState, or familyName.

I don't think there are suggestions for such data.

have you checked in iOS12 ?

Could you give an example of suggestion that did come in iOS 12 and no more on iOS 13 ?

So, that's the expected behavior:

In this case, UITextField is configured like this on iOS 12:

let textField = UITextField()
textField.textContentType = .givenName
textField.autocapitalizationType = .words
textField.autocorrectionType = .no
textField.smartDashesType = .no
textField.smartInsertDeleteType = .no
textField.smartQuotesType = .no
textField.spellCheckingType = .no
textField.returnKeyType = .done
textField.placeholder = "First Name"

But on iOS 13, the suggestion doesn't appear if autocorrectionType is not enabled:

textField.autocorrectionType = .yes

From iOS13 the keyboard type is also impotant. As an example, when you set the content-type telephone number, you should set the keyboard type name phone pad. I set the keyboard type phone pad and I got no suggestion for phone number, but when I change it to Name phone pad I see suggestions. Same for email, the related kehboard type must be set for getting suggestions.

Im having the same problem, since iOS 13 the suggestion doesn't appear at the top of the keyboard.

Hi Kasratar

name phone pad doesnt make sense, because you wana telephone number.!

Yes, but at least you get suggestions and when user taps on number '123', will see the phone pad.

Seems to be broken for me as well. Phone number, first name, last name.

Really, really irritating.

Im seeing the same issue with keyboard suggestions based on inputtypes in iOS 13. It;s happening with names, addresses, phone numbers, and the most rescent case is with oneTimeCode where the suggestion only appears when the next textfield becomdes first responder.

Faced the same

6 months = not fixed. wow

iOS 13.6 network problem

iOS 13 UITextField content type, UIKeyboard suggestion