Any progress on supporting new certificate types "Apple Development" & "Apple Distribution" for Xcode 11?

Recently, we found that Xcode 11 is now using new "Apple Development" & "Apple Distribution" certificate types for App development and App Store release, but the new types are neither documented nor supported through App Store Connect API.

So we're wondering when the new certificate types will be supported through API?

Hello Laix iOS CI Team,

Apple has always supported "Development" and "Distribution" certificates when signing applications. This is the baseline for security on iOS to ensure scope and security of the pool of devices that your application is running on. Both types of certificates have different capabilities and limitations associated with them.

Certificate management and provisioning profile management are supported through the App Store Connect API.

What are you trying to accomplish with the API?

Hopefully this helps!

Thanks for your reply.

We are using App Store Connect API to manage development certificates now.

I've found that the new Xcode 11 is now automatically using certificates of types "Apple Development" and "Apple Distribution" instead of previous "iOS App Development", "iOS Distribution", "Mac Development" or "Mac App Distribution". And when we tried to create certificates on the developer website, we could see new types "Apple Development" and "Apple Distribution" with comments "For use in Xcode 11 or later".

But these two types are not referenced in the App Store Connect API document here . So we're wondering if it is just not documented, or not implemented.

Hi Laix iOS CI Team,

Unfortunately I don't have an answer, but since I am blocked by the same issue right now, I wanted to bump this thread hoping an Apple employee will respond.

Do you have any news about "Apple Development" & "Apple Distribution" certificate types?

Since a few days they got added to the API!

I answered it here

The documentation is still out of date but the CertificateTypes "DISTRBUTION" and "DEVELOPMENT" got added. 🙂

Any progress on supporting new certificate types "Apple Development" & "Apple Distribution" for Xcode 11?