System extension blocked, no "allow" button

I've seen a couple of other posts similar to this, but none that applied to the situation here.

First: MacOS 10.14.6 Mojave, running in a VM with VMWare Fusion 11.1.0

What happens:

I try to load my extension (even on the command-line), and get the expected "System Extension Blocked" message, with directions to go to the Security & Privacy System Preferences -> General to allow loading from this developer. When I go to Security & Privacy, there is no "Allow" button.

One other thing that might be worth mentioning: When I start a VM with a clean install, and load the extension from the command-line, there is an "Allow" button in the Security & Privacy pane. But, if I try to load it again, I get the "System Extension Blocked" (again), but this time no "Allow" button in the Security & Privacy pane.

I get the same behavior when running my application that loads the same kernel extension programmatically.

The only message in system.log that looks even vaguely relevant is:

Sep 19 16:12:47 Erics-Mac[831]: objc[831]: Class AWDSecurityPrefAutoUnlockSetup is implemented in both /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Security.prefPane/Contents/XPCServices/ (0x100b7f8e0) and /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Security.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/Security (0x102cd8330). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

So, quick summary: When loading my kext, the first time I get the "System Extension Blocked" dialog, I do see the "Allow" button in the Security & Privacy dialog. But, in every following attempt to load, I still get the "System Extension Blocked" dialog, but no "Allow" button.

Can someone shed some light on this...?


I'm having the same issue on MacOS 10.15.7 while installing any apps that require allowing system extensions, including Parallels and Cisco Anyconnect. Any help would be appreciated!
System extension blocked, no "allow" button