Dark Mode Color Contrast

I am having some issues with Dark Mode color contrasts and I'm not sure what Apple intended.

I have an app at the moment that has a largely white background with black text. The app uses location services and so it displays the "Allow *** app to use your location?" system dialog on first use.

I have converted the app to work well in Dark Mode, and it looks pretty fab. However there is an issue with displaying the system dialogs over the top of the app.

In Light mode the system dims the white system background to an off-white color and displays the location dialog over the top of the app in white. There is clear distinction between the white location dialog and the off white background. You can clearly see the edges of the dialog box. This is the same as always such as in earlier iOS versions.

In Dark mode the same thing happens I think. However the system background color defined by iOS in this case is black. The system dims the black system background. Dimming black has no effect, it is still black. It then displays the system dialog in black on top of this black background. There is no contrast between the edge of this system dialog and the background, a user cannot see the edges of the dialog box, although the label colours are still clearly visible, so the user can still make a choice. It looks unusual.

I don't think this is what Apple intended, or perhaps this is an issue yet to be resolved? Or perhaps I am always meant to use the system secondary background color in my apps and this resolves the issue somehow? Am I missing some usage guidelines on how to use these colors?

What am I meant to do in this situation to make the Apple dialog contrast with the background so the user can see the dialog properly?


Peter Smith.

I think I just discovered the same issue, in the Xcode simulator running iOS 17.4. I am debugging my app in Dark mode, all of my view controllers are set to backgroundColor =.systemBackground, and they all appear dark black except for one view controller with a "push" segue (I've also tried a "modal" segue). That view has what appears to be a very slightly translucent background which appears dark gray not black. Compare to one of my other view controllers that is part of a tab bar set.

Dark Mode Color Contrast