Game Center banners not showing on iOS 13

I am upgrading my app for iOS 13 beta 6. I'm noticing the following issues -

1) After successful authentication of the user on Game Center, the standard "Welcome back XXXX" banner is not being shown. I'm using the same code that worked perfectly fine upto iOS 12.x -

let localPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.local

localPlayer.authenticateHandler = {(viewController:UIViewController?, error:Error?) in

if (viewController != nil){

} else if (localPlayer.isAuthenticated) {

//successful authentication

print("authentication successful")

//at this point although authentication is complete successfully, no "Welcome Back" banner is displayed

} else {

//authentication failed



2) When submitting a GKAchievement to Game Center, I set the showsCompletionBanner = true on the GKAchievement object. The achievement is successfully submitted but the completion banner is not shown. (It worked fine upto iOS 12.x)

I also noticed that in both the above issues, at the time of authentication (or GKAchievement submission) the following message is displayed in the XCode Console -
Error in UIKit client: -[UIWindow setScreen:] should not be called if the client adopts UIScene lifecycle. Call -[UIWindow setWindowScene:] instead.

I have adopted the new iOS 13 UISceneDelegate lifecyle in my app. So I'm guessing this error message indicates the issue lies in the UIScene workflow. Is it something I need to configure at my end or is it a GameKit bug? Any solutions or workarounds will be much appreciated.


Same here... did you find a solution? (sorry for the necroposting)