Unable to install downloaded profile for iOS 13.

Afte the profile downloads. Instuctions tell me to go setting and tap "Profile Downloaded". However, "Profile Downloaded" is not showing up when I go into the setting app. What am I doing wrong here.

Answered by Tsmith1 in 380394022

So I found the answer to my problem.

I switched to use a Safar Browser instead of the browser I was using. Went to same website: beta.apple.com/profile. After clicking the download button, it instructed me to go the "Setting" to complete the installation. I did not get that message previously after the download. In any case when I opened setting the " Profile Downloaded" link was there.

In the main setting page, scroll up a bit by swiping down. If it’s hidden, it might appear

Accepted Answer

So I found the answer to my problem.

I switched to use a Safar Browser instead of the browser I was using. Went to same website: beta.apple.com/profile. After clicking the download button, it instructed me to go the "Setting" to complete the installation. I did not get that message previously after the download. In any case when I opened setting the " Profile Downloaded" link was there.

Once downloaded you will find the profile under settings -> general

Please enable profile download

Unable to install downloaded profile for iOS 13.