iOS 13 Named system colors behavior on iOS 11 & 12?

Our team is planning on using the new system colors in iOS 13 (systemBackground, label, etc). However we currently support iOS 11 and 12 devices. When trying to use UIColor.systemBackground in code, we get the error "systemBackground is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer" which makes perfect sense, but what about storyboards?
When testing, if I set the color of some view to systemBackground color in the storyboard and run it on an iOS 11 device, there are no crashes and the view seems to have a color similar to what it would have on iOS 13. Haven't tested with all the colors yet, however.

Is it safe to use the new system colors in storyboards for iOS 11 and 12 devices?
Is there a way to resolve named system colors in code? Eg. UIColor(named: "systemBackground") ? And if it is, what will it return on iOS 11 & 12 devices?