Xcode 11 beta 7 map view polyline invalid library

Hi All,

in my mapview app, on the mapView.addOverlay(polyline) line get the error message: Compiler error: Invalid library file.

This project runs well in XCode 10...

Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards


Hi Rajmund,

I have the same issue.

Please let me know if you find a solution.


Same issue here! Can the dev team let us know if this is known and hopefully being addressed? No google results except this page!


Same problem in Xcode 11 GM here.

I see the same spam. Is there actually any issue in the app or just a lot of console errors?

I'm facing same annoying problem.😕

Facing the same issue... No change in GM 2 - anyone found a solution?

My application loads and runs fine except for the constant output in the debug window.

2019-09-25 21:10:20.969796-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.969917-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.979918-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.980031-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.980109-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.980179-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.980277-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.995858-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.996226-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.996380-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.996559-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:20.996678-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:21.015274-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:21.015609-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

2019-09-25 21:10:21.015812-0400 CECMobileApp[1428:125779] Compiler error: Invalid library file

Any input on this matter would be most appreciated. I cannot find anything relatable when I search. I am assuming this is an Xcode 11 compatability issue. Some of our devs get the output and some dont for the same app.

Catalina beta 9 & Xcode 11.1 GM seed

Does the same thing on beta 8 & Xcode 11.0 release

Obviously - this is a simulator problem

- just run your code on a real device...

Running on a real device doesn't hack it when I rely on prints to the debug pane during development. The continuous stream of invalid-library messages to the debug pane makes the pane worthless. As a result, I develop on an earlier version of Xcode and deploy from the latest version. Typical of Apple to throw a message with no specifics. Worse, the problem has existed through many betas of Xcode 11 and still persists.

No solution yet, eh? Yes, I'm having the same issue and thought it might be due to the weird way Xcode had to be reinstalled by a tech, from a temporary account.

Okay, I am also seeing the same error, and am using a map in my app. That may be correlated.

Like you, I am frustrated by the paucity of error information Apple provides.

As for it being just a simulator issue, well, sadly my App now crashes instantly on my iPad and iPhone, both now updated to 12.12/iPad13.12. So, this is an even rougher problem for me since I cannot develop with this poor behavior.

Are there any Apple people/experts on this forum? Cause it sure looks like a bug to me. Oh, and I'm on the OS X 10.15 proper, not Beta.

Same here, big problem, renders the output unusable

This just started happening to me two days ago. It's an old Xcode project (2014!) that uses MapKit, last updated in June 2018. I run it to compare its behavior with the new app I'm working on that replaces it.

I was running it off and on for weeks without trouble in iOS 13.x Simulator, using GPX files to simulate user location (including moving locations). I have multiple copies of Xcode installed (every major point release from 11.7 back to 11.2) as well as two versions of Xcode 12 (beta 6 replacing beta 4). None of this seemed to bother it.

Then the problem started happening with no precipitating event I can identify, and now I find any copy of the project (even a fresh clone from source control) has the exact same behavior, so whatever this is, it's external to the Xcode project itself. And it happens in every Xcode version I've tried, all the way back to 11.2. (But not, at least yet, on devices, just Simulator.)

Specs: macOS Catalina 10.15.4 (19E266) on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports); 2.8 GHz 4-core i7; 16 GB of RAM, 1TB of SSD, Xcode 11.6 (and other versions).

Fortunately I have an older Mac with older macOS (Mojave) and Xcode (11.3.1) that doesn't (yet) show this bug, so I can rely on that for now. But I hope this does get fixed so I can return to comparing old and new code on the same machine.


this problem still exists.

Xcode 13.3

Yes, still exists...it is kinda sloppy. I wonder if Apple is going to fix it at any point in the future. It would be great.

Xcode 11 beta 7 map view polyline invalid library