Updated to 10.15 Beta (19A536g) and now no internet

I updated my MBP to 10.15 Beta (19A536g) and now I can't connect to internet. My iPad Pro and iMac (does not have Catalina) connect with no problem. All are on my home network and only the MBP (10.15 Beta (19A536g) can not connect. It connects to the network but no internet.

Also I've tried connecting the MBP to the hotspot on both my iPhone and iPad and it won't connect. It always gives the message that it failed to connect.

I've tried both restarting and rebooting the MBP and neither solved the problem. I even tried restarting the network and renewing the lease. Nothing solves the problem. Help!!!

Accepted Reply

oops the problem was my VPN.


oops the problem was my VPN.

And I have no internet after the update (((writes no ip address