Custom keyboard extension not showing iOS 13

My Custom keyboard extension doesn't appeared in "Settings -> General -> Keyboards -> Add new keyboard-> Third party keyboards" on simulator and real device. My keyboard extension has been working on previous versions.

I tested on Xcode11 - beta2

1. File -> new -> Project... -> iOS -> Single View App

2. File -> new -> Targets... -> iOS -> Custom Keyboard Extension

3. Run on iPhone simulator iOS13

4. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Keyboards -> Add new keyboard on Simulator. I couldn't find 3rd party keyboards.

I tested same thing on xcode10 on iOS 12 simulator. It was fine and I was able to select 3rd party keyboard.

It's strange that gboard and swiftkey are normally working on iOS13. Is There something that I miss new configuration or AppReview requirements?

I'm facing same issue, can you help if you knew the solution

I have'nt found solution. Did you solve?

I wonder what is difference between our extension and Gboard and swiftkey. They work normal iOS 13.

I have a same problem. Did you solve it?

I found the issue.

iOS13 doesn't show up custom keyboard with bundle id that starts with mn.*.

It will normally work if you change bundle id which without starting with mn.*. For example mn.ikon.mglkeyboard -> ikon.mgkeyboard.

I've sent up bug report, and still waiting response from Apple.

Монгол хэл оруулахдаа нэг салгалсан юм нь mn.* эхэлсэн bundle id-тай бүх 3rd party keyboard-ыг ажиллахгүй болгоод хаячихсан байх юм. Уйддийму яаадын ккк, эсвэл албаар юм уу бүү мэд

thank you for your response!

бүр гайхаад сүүлдээ хаячихсан байсын kk.

I also just ran into this issue with using a bundle ID that began with "to" (the website for my product ends with a ".to" top level domain). I had to change the bundle ID to fix it. Is there any official reasoning or policy from Apple about why this is disallowed or for some other reason disables the keyboard being visible in settings?

I am also running into this issue using a bundle ID that begins with "to". Would be curious if you @george_rb or anyone else can uncover any related policy/reasoning from Apple.

Custom keyboard extension not showing iOS 13