Xcode 11 beta 5: tvOS Tab Bar not showing?

First I must say it seems Apple has changed the default behaviour of tvOS Tab Bars in tvOS 13. Before they used to disappear scrolling down, now they are fixed on top. This is described in UITabBarController:

In tvOS, the tab bar interface appears at the top of the window. When focus leaves the tab bar, the tab bar remains fixed at the top of the screen by default. To create an interface where the tab bar doesn't remain fixed, but instead scrolls with the content, set the

property to the appropriate scroll view. In iOS, the tab bar always stays pinned at the bottom of the screen.

I really preferred the old way. Anyhow..

My issue is that in Xcode 11 beta 5 in a UITabBarController UITabBar doesn't appear anymore in IB. I see that in the prototype app I was developing and it's the same creating from scratch a tvOS Tabbed App (I wanted to attach a picture but I am not sure how). The UITabBarController in IB is empty. Opening the same projects with Xcode 10.3 the UITabBar show.

I have reported this in a BR, still I'd like to be sure it isn't me doing anything wrong or if something is wrong with my Xcode beta installation, because I had to delete it and reinstall it again since it kept crashing opening any storyboard. Thanks.

This seems to happen when you create a UITabBarController from a storyboard. Somehow this messes up the view frame of the UITabBar. When you create the UITabBarController from code it should work again.

Thanks for the reply. It was fixed at runtime. Stil not showing in IB. Now, with Xcode 11 GM, it's a total mess. It just shows the borders of any item (but the Tab bars are still not showing at all). I'll try trashing Xcode and intall it again from the App Store.

Xcode 11 beta 5: tvOS Tab Bar not showing?