iOS 13 and Xcode 11 GM release date

I really would like to know when will Apple will release the GM version of Xcode 11 and iOS 13?

In the beta version, I was facing some crash issues with Security framework I use. When I checked with them, I have to wait till public GM release of Xcode 11 to compile their SDK for swift module stability issues. But currently, many of the users have upgraded to Beta and facing app crash issues. Till last year Apple was releasing GM version during September. When will they announce the date?

Will developers get access to GM version at least a week before?

Answered by carlos tb in 375097022

They always release the GM a week before the final release. iOS13 release date is always announced in the iPhone event held in September. so, Probably around the first or second week of September

Accepted Answer

They always release the GM a week before the final release. iOS13 release date is always announced in the iPhone event held in September. so, Probably around the first or second week of September

iOS 13 and Xcode 11 GM release date