Unable to Open Google Chrome & Firefox

Hi there,

Since installing Catalina, I have been unable to open or update either Chrome or Firefox. I keep getting an error message saying the apps are unable to be open becasue Apple can't check if they are malicious software. I have attached screenshots of the messages. Has anyone else experienced this?



Accepted Reply

I had this problem with WhatsApp and once I ran "sudo spctl --master-disable" from terminal, this allowed the app to install and run.


Yes I have experienced this with Firefox. I don't know about Chrome. For Firefox, I downloaded and installed the latest version of Firefox from Mozilla, 68.0.1. Now Firefox opens for me. You might have to click on the "Allow" button in the System Preferences/ Security and Privacy window.

Hi @banjoeyes,

Thanks for that. I have tried update but the system appears to be blocking it. There no longer appears to be an 'allow everything' button in System Preferences.




I've been able to uninstall & reinstall Firefox. Chrome is still not being accepted. Frustrating as I use for Chrome for work.

I had this problem with WhatsApp and once I ran "sudo spctl --master-disable" from terminal, this allowed the app to install and run.

Thanks for that, @mtime. Were there any other steps involved?

Hi again,

@mtime's suggestion worked and I have been able to download and install Chrome.


I dual boot Mojave and Catalina. Copied Chrome from Mojave application folder, pasted in Catalina application folder and it works fine.