Xcode: Could not attach to pid

Every single time I try to launch the simulator I get this:

Cold not attach to pid : "12345"

Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain

Code: 3

Failure Reason: Error 1


Error 1

Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain

Code: 3


I'd REALLY like to be able to debug. Can anyone offer some help?

On google, I found suggestions to build it again, to restart xcode, to restart Xcode and rebuild, to reboot the computer, to set to release instead of debug. NONE of thelse things helped in any way. 😟


Answered by Hunter in 373436022

It's an issue with authorization. Try this in the Terminal:

sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable

Also tried resetting all content and settings in the simulator. Didn't help.

Accepted Answer

It's an issue with authorization. Try this in the Terminal:

sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable




For this entire time I've had to do 100% of my development without the simulator. This finally allows me to debug! So very thankful for the help. 🙂


Awesome! Thanks!

I'm still getting this error even after I do the "sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable" I've tried rebooting my mac, Xcode, and doing command+shift+k and none of it worked. Any help would be appreciated!

Edit Scheme -> Run -> Debug excitable

uncheck this checkbox it will be ok !


Thank you so much. This helped me.

it works,but make debugger disable and than could not debug code.

So, I have the same exact issue when attempting to build to a device.


process launch failed: failed to get the task for process 2834

Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain

Code: 3


App will build and attach to simulator, but will not build and attach to device.

I can do Edit Scheme -> Run -> Debug executable == false

And it will then build to a device, but w/o debugger support.

Executable == true gives the above error.

sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable does nothing either way.

Should note that this is app secific. If I run up a new demo app it will build to the device just fine.

For me, it was a spotty internet connection. Once the connection was stable, no problem occurred when rerunning the app. I made no setting changes.

any solution for this? this happens with me when I connected with LAN connection without internet connection. and when i connect with internet Wifi the Simulator runs my app.

if any one sees like the following messages on 11.M.N of Xcode --

error: attach by name 'processname' failed -- Problems with launching via XPC. XPC error : Connection interrupted

You know that the process had a crash in your prior debug session.

Until I reboot the machine, I can not re-attach to the same process -- what a bummer :-(

Still getting the same issue with 12-beta-2.
got this on xcode 12 verison
I have this same problem but macOS (11.1) Xcode 12.0 (17219); which begin on Big Sur in app review, and since I updated and trying to triage what's new / different / required.

Trying to launch host app via custom URL.
Hitting the same thing. Newly wiped machine, installed fresh macOS 11.1 & Xcode 12.3, enabled developer mode from the command line as per one of the responses here. App for macOS builds fine but debug fails with:

Could not attach to pid : “3034”

Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain

Code: 3

Failure Reason: attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process.  Look in the console messages (Console.app), near the debugserver entries when the attached failed.  The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.)

User Info: {

    DVTRadarComponentKey = 855031;

    RawLLDBErrorMessage = "attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process.  Look in the console messages (Console.app), near the debugserver entries when the attached failed.  The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.)";


In the system log I'm seeing some logging around DTServiceHub but there are no clearly-related error messages in the log.
My fix: go to settings>general>device management. Make sure that you trust the developer by clicking "trust".
Thanks tangqiyang008! 
still have the problem

Developer mode is already enabled in terminal.
Mac and iPhone after reboot.

but still
Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain
I only have the issue when debugging @IBDesignable views from IB. It just doesn't work (and hasn't for a long time), and fails with this error.

Debugging the app in the simulator works fine for me.
CODE_SIGN_INJECT_BASE_ENTITLEMENTS set to YES and everything began to work
I'm having this issue when running XCUITest but just on MBP M1 (still with all suggested solutions here) . Does anyone have similar problem, and is there some solution for this. Thanks
I resolved my on issue by unchecking the "Open using Rosetta" in Xcode Info (Applications>Xcode CMD+I).
I had the exact same error as darrylfromredwoodcity above, nothing in the thread seemed to fix it.

Check your system.log, it turned out security software on my macbook pro was blocking the debugserver from attaching to the simulator. It was also blocking dtarbiter from reading DTServiceHub, which prevented my Xcode from running SwiftUI previews.

I had to contact my IT team in charge of this security software to get this fixed. This might be worth checking if you have this issue and nothing else works.

Here is a very similar issue on an older version of Xcode that was posted on Stack Overflow, where the top answer mentions security software that was blocking processes:


Hope this helps!

FWIW, I have yet another solution... I used Console.app -> system.log; Clear; launch and attach and noticed I got this line:

May 14 14:35:26 my-mac Photos[30591]: objc[30591]: Class _NSZombie_NSPathStore2 is implemented in both ?? (0x7ff33ec26e30) and ?? (0x7ff34ed330f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

This stack overflow solution did the trick:

NSZombies is turned on. Go to product -> scheme -> edit scheme (CMD+SHIFT+.) and under run -> diagnostics uncheck "Enable Zombies".

Xcode: Could not attach to pid