Catalina 4 Xcode 4 Beta Simulator won't load

I have just installed Catalina Beta 4 and Xcode Beta 4..

All went well.

Now when i try and test my Apps, not matter the size or even if it's a new one just created in eiither Swift or SwiftUI, the Simulator give me an Error.


Could not attach to pid : “724”

Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain

Code: 3

Failure Reason: Error 1


Error 1

Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain

Code: 3


Any suggestions?

Running on a Macbook Air 2015, all was well with Beta 3 versions.



I'm in the exact same boat. Restarting, relaunching sims, removing derived data, no matter what I can't get Xcode beta 4 to attach a debug session to the sims.

Thanks for the reply..

What Mac are you running ?




What order are you using when you fire things up?

Are you running a build in Xcode 11b4 first and letting it call/open the sim? Opening the sim first, then Xcode, then building? ...?

Close everything down, reboot the computer and try starting & completely booting the simulator before Xcode, then build and see if still no joy out of the sim.

Be sure to have several tens GB free on your MB, BTW.

>Now when i try and test my Apps

iOS, WatchOS...?


For me worked:

1. Edit Scheme

2. Run

3 uncheck "debug executable"

This worked for me! Thanks!!

Catalina 4 Xcode 4 Beta Simulator won't load