want to know about apple.com.fileutil

I'm developing a feature of a file manager APP that can deny user's access to some specific files. I don't want to use any "chmod" related tech coz user can always overwrite it with admin. During my research, I found out it is possible to use OS X kext "apple.com.fileutil" to deny user's access to files. So I'm asking does anyone has any infomation about "apple.com.fileutil" ? API, callback, anything will be helpful. Thank you very much!

I’ve not seen the identifier

before. I suspect that you’ve mistyped something, because the normal format for this would be either
. However, I’ve not seen either of those identifiers either. Can you post more details about where you saw this?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

yes, I found out "oneDrive" of Microsoft use extended attributes(xattr) to control user access permission,

they seems to set one key/value pair "com.apple.fileUtil.PlaceholderData"/someData to xattr, but I can't know the someData structure Or what principle does it follow?

could you help me? thanks.

Kobe Luo

One iOS/Mac Developer

let myEmail = "luogangok" + "@gmail.com"

if someone working or worked with this field, welcome to contact me, thank you!

Thanks for replying. You're right I mistyped the identifier, it is "com.apple.fileutil". I found it in the kext list with command "kextstat". I believe I can use this kext to restrict user's access to some files, but I don't know how. Is there any way to interact with this kext?

As far as I know that KEXT and its associated extended attributes are all private.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"
want to know about apple.com.fileutil